Tixeo 01Informatique: their selection of Tixeo within 22 companies
Tixeo within 22 companies selected by 01Informatique/Anvar as best French High-Tech. “01 informatique” is an important French IT magazine.
The jury was composed of journalists from “01informatique” and an expert from Anvar.
About 01 Informatique
01net is a French information website specialized in new technologies and high-tech products news. According to Alexa.com, it is among the 100 most visited websites in France in December 20111. In 2015, Médiamétrie ranked 01net.com 2nd in the “IT news” category.
The site offers high-tech news, product tests, practical tips and more than 80,000 software programs available for download through its Telecharger.com section or the corresponding site www.telecharger.com.
Knowing Tixeo
Our mission is to design and provide organizations with secure videoconferencing solutions that guarantee the strict privacy of their communications.
Working in close cooperation with our customers, we have developed 100% European videoconferencing solutions with a level of performance, collaboration and security never achieved before (certified and qualified by ANSSI).
Every day, all over the world, we support thousands of users, SMEs and large groups. Aware of the challenges related to espionage and cybercrime issues, we are committed to offering our clients a unique and highly secure collaboration experience.