Developed by the European Cyber Security Organisation (ESCO), and awarded by Hexatrust, this label aims to promote a stronger and more competitive European cyber security market. It also raises awareness of the strategic value of European cybersecurity companies that develop their business on the basis of trustworthy values.
Digital sovereignty is the ideal towards which everyone is striving, but which seems difficult to achieve without real awareness on the part of everyone and the support of the government… Even today, many European companies store their data on non-European clouds and many european Companies and employees exchange data on a daily basis via messaging systems and applications that collect their data and share them with the US digital giants.
But how can we act so that French and European solutions become a matter of course and a reflex for the entire population? This is a challenge which, without exaggeration, can be described as vital for Europe. It is a challenge that can only be met by a strong economic, legal and social mobilisation. With the Label CYBERSECURITY MADE IN EUROPE, Tixeo hopes to contribute to this mobilization.
Why was Tixeo granted the label CYBERSECURITY MADE IN EUROPE ?
1. European-based:
Tixeo was created in Montpellier, France in 2004. The headquarters are still in Montpellier but 100% of the employees work from home, in France since 2015. In the mean time sales offices, subsidiaries and partnerships have been put in place in many European countries.
2. European ownership:
100% of the financial capital of Tixeo is in Europe, France, Montpellier and controlled by 2 owners with operational activities within the company. The two French owners are also founders of Tixeo.
3. Europe as a primary business place:
100% of the R&D is being done in France – Europe. There are no external non-European partners being involved in the development and the management of Tixeo.
4. Trustworthy cybersecurity (ICT) products and services:
The company declares to comply with the basic requirements defined by the ENISA’s ‘Indispensable baseline security requirements for the secure ICT products and services’, including no-spy declaration, which ensures that no offered product or solution contains backdoors (non-declared functionality).
5.Data and privacy:
Tixeo is GDPR compliant.