News on Tixeo and secure video conferencing
Tixeo, the only encrypted end-to-end video-collaboration solution by default and qualified by the ANSSI
The question of video-collaboration safety Paris, June 22nd, 2020 – With a 3000% growth in the number of its users between March 17th and May 31st, Tixeo – European leader in secure video collaboration – is the only player whose technology is labeled by ANSSI to offer...
Podcast Testimony, Tixeo a 100% telecommuting company for 5 years !
Podcast of Tixeo's secure conferecing By Lomig Guillo @lomigg | Appeared in Management on 20 March 2020 12:12Created in Montpellier, France, Tixeo is a company that offers a secure video conferencing and collaboration solution. A very practical solution at the...
How to deploy telework in times of crisis? 10 tips to quickly virtualize your workspace
Teleworking tips: our advices for teleworking implementation There are situations in which companies are required to make temporary use of telework. In the event of a major health crisis, major social movements or exceptional weather events, teams must organize...
In the press: Tixeo, the French Frog of secure video conferencing
By Christophe Guillemin @christobal72 | Appeared in L'informaticien on 12 March 2020 17:09French secure videoconferencing: Tixeo took the 100% Home Office turn 5 years ago Tixeo is the only French company offering a video conferencing solution certified by Anssi....
Tixeo launches the new release of its secure videoconferencing software and improves the user experience and interoperability of its solution
Video conferencing new release of Tixeo: user experience improved The new release of Tixeo's secure video conferencing software client (V.15) is now available for all users: it includes the call mode and improves its interoperability through an upgrade of its...
Tixeo, FIC 2020 Silver Partner
Tixeo is pleased to welcome you to the 12th edition of the FIC (International Cybersecurity Forum), which will be held in Lille from 28 to 30 January 2020. With more than 10,000 visitors, 400 exhibitors and more than 80 nationalities represented, the FIC is the...
Tixeo integrates SFR Business videoconferencing offer selected by the UGAP
Tixeo integrates the videoconferencing offer through SFR Business in the UGAP catalog, the public purchasing center. This market meets the needs of public actors who are looking to implement a privacy policy in their communications. The use of videoconferencing, which...
Tixeo on Europe1, in the program La France qui Bouge
Renaud Ghia, Tixeo CEO talks to Europe 1 Renaud Ghia, Tixeo CEO, was invited by Raphaëlle Duchemin in Europe 1 to talk about videoconferencing and teleworking during strikes. During this exchange he presents a new way of thinking and organizing telework thanks to...
Telecommuting and advanced video-collaboration: Tixeo, a 100% French solution to face the transportation strike
The next few days will be difficult for French workers. The strike movement announced against the pension reform will cause a disruption of traffic and even a paralysis of transport networks. As a result, many employees will not be able to get to their workplaces. To...
Tixeo launches TixeoFusion and revolutionizes remote collaboration
Remote video-collaboration: Tixeo launches TixeoFusion Tixeo, the European leader in secure videoconferencing, launches TixeoFusion, its new advanced collaboration feature. By offering this innovation to all its users, Tixeo offers a revolutionary approach to...
Tixeo joins CLUSIF
Tixeo, the European leader of secure video conferencing, joins CLUSIF, the French Information Security Club. This association aims at developing and transmitting (to professionals and individuals) a set of best practices in information security. By joining this...
Tixeo video conferencing by satellite, it works!
As part of a collaboration with CNES (Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales) and its CESARS center (Centre d'expertise et de support pour les usages en télécommunications par satellite), Tixeo was able to test its videoconferencing technology using space...