News on Tixeo and secure video conferencing

Tixeo, FIC 2020 Silver Partner

Tixeo, FIC 2020 Silver Partner

Tixeo is pleased to welcome you to the 12th edition of the FIC (International Cybersecurity Forum), which will be held in Lille from 28 to 30 January 2020. With more than 10,000 visitors, 400 exhibitors and more than 80 nationalities represented, the FIC is the...

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Tixeo on Europe1, in the program La France qui Bouge

Tixeo on Europe1, in the program La France qui Bouge

Renaud Ghia, Tixeo CEO talks to Europe 1 Renaud Ghia, Tixeo CEO, was invited by Raphaëlle Duchemin in Europe 1 to talk about videoconferencing and teleworking during strikes. During this exchange he presents a new way of thinking and organizing telework thanks to...

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Tixeo joins CLUSIF

Tixeo joins CLUSIF

Tixeo, the European leader of secure video conferencing, joins CLUSIF, the French Information Security Club. This association aims at developing and transmitting (to professionals and individuals) a set of best practices in information security. By joining this...

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Tixeo video conferencing by satellite, it works!

Tixeo video conferencing by satellite, it works!

As part of a collaboration with CNES (Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales) and its CESARS center (Centre d'expertise et de support pour les usages en télécommunications par satellite), Tixeo was able to test its videoconferencing technology using space...

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