News on Tixeo and secure video conferencing

[Tixeo Solutions] How to record a videoconference?

[Tixeo Solutions] How to record a videoconference?

Recording a videoconference is an essential feature. With Tixeo, it is very easy to record a meeting online, view and download it from the meeting interface.3 reasons to record a videoconference First, to make a summary report of the meeting: recording the exchanges...

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How to avoid “zoombombing” during an online meeting?

How to avoid “zoombombing” during an online meeting?

"Zoombombing" in video conferencing is still going strong. It disrupts increasingly strategic online meetings, often with malicious intent. To avoid this, video conferencing security must be maximised at all levels.   What is "zoombombing" in online meeting?...

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Spying: how to recognise an unsecured video conference?

Spying: how to recognise an unsecured video conference?

When participating in an online meeting, there are certain aspects that should alert you to the level of security. Here is how to spot them to avoid spying on videoconferences. In its flash #91 on economic interference, the DGSI (General Directorate for Internal...

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Tixeo participates in FIC 2023

Tixeo participates in FIC 2023

On April 5th, 6th and 7th, 2023, Tixeo will participate to the International Cybersecurity Forum (FIC) in Lille Grand Palais. A leading European event in the field of cybersecurity and digital trust.Come and meet Tixeo's team to discuss about your needs for secure...

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How to limit video conferencing fatigue?

How to limit video conferencing fatigue?

Have you been videoconferencing several times and are you feeling very tired? Here are a few tips to prevent you from becoming exhausted during your online meetings. More tired than during a face-to-face meeting? Videoconferencing saves time, especially in travel, but...

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Full remote: why are team buildind essential?

Full remote: why are team buildind essential?

Corporate seminars or team building allow teams to meet face-to-face in a new environment for one or more days, to revitalise the group. Seminars strengthen team cohesion Often spread over several cities or countries, fully remote teams only exchange information via...

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Tixeo at the AccesSecurity exhibition in Marseille

Tixeo at the AccesSecurity exhibition in Marseille

On March 8th and 9th, 2023, Tixeo will set up its booth for the first time at the AccesSecurity exhibition in Marseille and will present live its secure video conferencing solution.   Protecting business communications Collaboration in hybrid mode or teleworking...

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6 questions to ask yourself before starting a videoconference

6 questions to ask yourself before starting a videoconference

A videoconference cannot be improvised! Like a face-to-face meeting, an online meeting must be prepared. To ensure that it runs smoothly, here are the 6 questions to ask yourself before launching a videoconference. 1. Am I in a good environment? It is important to...

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