By Christophe Guillemin @christobal72 | Appeared in L’informaticien on 12 March 2020 17:09
French secure videoconferencing: Tixeo took the 100% Home Office turn 5 years ago
Tixeo is the only French company offering a video conferencing solution certified by Anssi. The SME uses its own secure solution to organize its team’s telework, with benefits such as quality of life, cost reduction and easier recruitment. Meeting with a pioneer of the virtual workspace.
Telework is a practice that is becoming more and more widespread in France and is gaining interest with each new period of transport strikes. More than 60% of French people dream of working, one or more days, at home. And it’s already a reality for 30% of private sector employees, a figure that will increase by 50% between 2017 and 2019 1. More and more companies are even trying the 100% “Home Office” adventure. They now have their own diminutive name: FROGs (Fully Remote OrGanization), companies that organize their entire collaboration remotely, through a digital ecosystem.
Among the French pioneers of this approach is Tixeo. An SME that is rather well placed to organize itself in 100% telework, since it publishes a secure video conferencing solution.
Renaud Ghia, Tixeo’s manager, explains:
« We took the turn to 100% Home Office in 2015, starting from the following observation. We were spending almost two hours every day in traffic jams to get to our offices in Montpellier, which was particularly tiring », « But our business is to develop a videoconferencing tool that allows to organize remote work. Our own solution appeared to us as an answer to our traffic congestion problem. As we were coming to the end of our lease, we decided to take the plunge and move to a 100% paperless collaboration. A decision we have never regretted.».